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Mode of delivery of twin pregnancies with the first twin in breech position after the introduction of a policy of planned caesarean delivery for nulliparous women

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Feb 24, 2019

Pascalet M, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective study examining the impacts of the mode of delivery of twin pregnancies with the first twin in breech position for all parities combined after the introduction of a policy of planned cesarean section in 38 weeks’ gestation in nulliparas. They included 134 women in this study; a decision for an attempted vaginal delivery was taken for 30.6% women (n = 41) with 95% (n = 39) who delivered vaginally and 5% (n = 2) by cesarean section during labor. Observations suggest that in this population, a reduction in the overall rate of the cesarean section could be achieved using a selective policy of attempted vaginal delivery based on parity for twin pregnancies with the first twin in breech position.
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