Mode of delivery and mortality and morbidity for very preterm singleton infants in a breech position: A European cohort study
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Feb 24, 2019
Schmidt S, et al. - Considering that a reduction in mortality and morbidity for very preterm breech infants could be achieved via undertaking caesarean section (CS), researchers examined neonatal outcomes for singleton breech infants by mode of delivery in a European cohort. From the EPICE population-based cohort of very preterm births in 19 regions in 11 European countries (7770 live births), they extracted and analyzed the data. As per point estimates, caesarean delivery has a protective effect for very preterm breech infants in conventional statistical models. In contrast, no statistically significant associations were noted performing analyses using propensity scores and based on unit policies.
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