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Mode of birth and long-term sexual health: A follow-up study of mothers in the Danish National Birth Cohort

BMJ Open Nov 13, 2019

Hjorth S, et al. - In this maternal follow-up of the Danish National Birth Cohort (1996–2002) in 2013–2014 involving questions on the sexual health conducted in Denmark, of 82,569 eligible mothers (37,417 women with a partner), researchers examine the relationship between mode of birth and women’s long-term sexual health. Among women with only spontaneous vaginal births, the frequency of sexual problems 37%. More problems were announced for women who only had cesarean sections. For ladies who had a natural vaginal birth following a cesarean, and for females with only vaginal births who had undergone one or more instrumental vaginal births, the odds of sexual problems did not vary from women with only spontaneous vaginal births. These findings indicate that the cesarean section does not guard against long-term sexual issues. Preferably, vaginal birth, even following the cesarean section, was related to fewer long-term sexual problems.
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