Misoprostol vaginal insert vs misoprostol vaginal tablets for the induction of labour: A cohort study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth May 24, 2018
Bolla D, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers aimed at comparing misoprostol vaginal insert (MVI) with misoprostol vaginal tablets (MVT) for induction of labor in term pregnancies. Two hundred consecutive women induced with 200-μg misoprostol 24-h vaginal insert (Misodel) were compared with a historical control of 200 women induced with Misoprostol 25-μg vaginal tablets (Cytotec) every 4-6 h. Findings suggested that compared to MVT, MVI achieves a more vaginal delivery rate within 24 h and Tachysystole events. However, there appeared no differences in caesarean section, operative vaginal delivery, and neonatal outcomes. After MVI administration, no predictors of tachysistole were recognized. The predictors of vaginal delivery within 24 h were Bishop score and parity after MVI administration.
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