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MiR-21-dependent macrophage-to-fibroblast signaling determines the cardiac response to pressure overload

Circulation Feb 12, 2021

Ramanujam D, Schön AP, Beck C, et al. - Given that cardiac macrophages (cMP) are progressively known as essential regulators of myocardial homeostasis and disease, but still the role of noncoding RNA in these cells largely remains unknown, therefore, researchers sought to ascertain the function of macrophage microRNA-21 (miR-21) on myocardial homeostasis as well as disease-related remodeling. Protection from interstitial fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction on being subjected to pressure overload of the left ventricle was seen in mice with macrophage-specific genetic deletion of miR-21. Experts performed single cell sequencing of pressure-overloaded hearts from these mice and found that miR-21 in macrophages is important for their polarization towards a M1-like phenotype. Overall, cMPs were suggested to have a critical role in pressure overload-induced cardiac fibrosis and dysfunction. In this study, a key molecule for the pro-fibrotic role of cMPs was macrophage miR-21.

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