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Minimal ovarian stimulation with intravaginal embryo culture: A low-cost alternative to conventional ART

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Hammond KR, et al. - In order to reduce cycle costs and increase access to ART, researchers developed a unique affordable IVFSM (A-IVF) program, incorporating both minimal ovarian stimulation (letrozole followed by gonadotropins) and an intravaginal embryo culture device. In this work, outcomes of 59 cycles to date using this new protocol are reported. A-IVF incorporates cycle synchronization with oral contraceptives, then letrozole for five days with sequential addition of individually-dosed daily gonadotropins beginning on the fifth day of letrozole. After hCG trigger, commonly given after only a single monitoring sonogram, they immediately treated oocytes retrieved under oral sedation by ICSI, then incubated these intravaginally within an INVOcell device (INVO Bioscience, Medford, MA) for 5 days. Embryologist examined the device contents and then transfer of the healthy blastocyst(s) or earlier-stage embryos was done. Serial serum hCG levels beginning 13-16 days after retrieval were assessed to confirm pregnancy. They identified acceptable rates of retrieval and transfer, and the pregnancy rate approaching 50%, if a transfer was performed, of started cycles using the Affordable IVFSM protocol. It seems that ART access could be broadened nationwide with this lower-cost protocol outstandingly.
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