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Mild Stage 1 post-operative acute kidney injury: Association with chronic kidney disease and long-term survival

Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 19, 2020

Long TE, Helgason D, Helgadottir S, et al. - Researchers undertook this retrospective cohort analysis to determine the long-term results of people with mild acute kidney injury (AKI). Participants included all adult patients who received abdominal, cardiothoracic, vascular or orthopaedic surgery at Landspitali–The National University Hospital of Iceland in 1998–2015. A comparison was performed between patients having mild Stage 1 AKI and propensity score-matched controls without AKI stratified by the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD), focusing on incident CKD, the progression of pre-existing CKD and long-term survival. Findings revealed the link of mild Stage 1 AKI with the development as well as the progression of CKD, but not with inferior 1-year survival. The incorporation of a small absolute rise in serum creatinine in the definition of AKI was supported.
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