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Midterm outcomes of iliopsoas fractional lengthening for internal snapping as a part of hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement and labral tear: A matched control study

Arthroscopy Apr 23, 2019

Perets I, et al. - Researchers analyzed 57 patients who underwent iliopsoas fractional lengthening (IFL) as a part of hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and labral tear to report their minimum 5-year outcomes and rate of painful snapping resolution. In addition, they matched this group to a group of patients who underwent hip arthroscopy for FAI and labral tear without internal snapping. Outcomes revealed that the groups had similar favorable improvement, complication rates, and secondary surgeries. Statistically significant improvements between preoperative and latest follow-up scores for the following measures was observed in all patient-reported outcomes measures: modified Harris Hip Score (from 64.3 to 84.9), Nonarthritic Hip Score (from 61.7 to 85.2), Hip Outcome Score-Sports Subscale (from 47.0 to 75.0), and visual analog scale (from 6.5 to 2.2). Resolution of painful snapping was observed in 80.7% of cases. Secondary arthroscopy was required in 10 hips (17.5%) at a mean of 30.5 months and total hip arthroplasty was performed in 3 hips (5.3%) at a mean of 57.5 months.
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