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Midterm outcomes following repair of capsulotomy vs nonrepair in patients undergoing hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement with labral repair

Arthroscopy May 03, 2019

Bolia IK, et al. - In patients who had repair of the capsulotomy compared to nonrepair following arthroscopic hip labral repair and correction of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), researchers compared the midterm outcomes and conversion to total hip arthroplasty (THA) rate. This investigation was eligible for all patients undergoing primary arthroscopic hip labral repair and FAI correction between 2005 and 2012. For this analysis, 42 patients without repair of the capsulotomy were matched with 84 patients with repaired capsulotomy. According to findings, patients undergoing arthroscopic FAI correction and hip labral repair with capsulotomy repair had higher Hip Outcome Score Daily Living (HOS-ADL) and modified Harris hip score scores in mid-term follow-up compared to non-repair patients, and the percentage of patients reaching the clinically significant minimum difference was significantly higher in the HOS-ADL and HOS-Sport repair group compared to non-repair patients. Furthermore, the repair group saw a lower rate of conversion to THA.
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