Mid-term results after proximal humeral fractures following angular stable plate fixation in elderly patients—which scores can be evaluated by a telephone-based assessment?
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jan 11, 2020
Ziegler P, et al. - Researchers conducted a telephone-based assessment in order to assess postsurgical results in elderly people following open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of proximal humeral fractures and contrast the test-retest agreement of scores which were frequently utilized to evaluate the consequence of upper extremity disorders. They selected 90 patients with a minimum follow-up of 2 years after angular stable plate fixation of a proximal humeral fracture. Two separate interviewers evaluated Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Score (DASH), Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS), and Constant Score adjusted (CS) for telephone-based assessment. In the first and second interview, fair result concluded that CS 91, DASH 12.5, and OSS 58 points. It was found that individuals exhibited good subjective results. Moreover, the test-retest agreement of the interview-adjusted CS was low, however, the telephone-based assessment of OSS and DASH act as an option to collect results in elderly individuals.
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