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Mid-term predictive value of calciprotein particles in maintenance hemodialysis patients based on a gel-filtration assay

Atherosclerosis Mar 25, 2020

Gatate Y, Nakano S, Mizuno Y, et al. - Researchers determined if circulating calciprotein particles (CPPs) levels, assessed via gel-filtration method, would accurately predict hard endpoints in maintenance hemodialysis patients. In this prospective, multicenter, longitudinal, and observational analysis, experts analyzed 108 patients and performed a follow-up for approximately 2 years. They documented all-cause mortality as well as cardiovascular events, which comprised major adverse cardiac, cerebrovascular, and limb events. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, it was shown that CPP levels were not related to all-cause death, but were independently related to cardiovascular events for every thousand CPP. Overall, a potential predictive value of CPPs was suggested in maintenance hemodialysis patients.

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