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Mid-term outcomes of endoscopic gluteus medius repair with concomitant arthroscopic labral treatment: A propensity-matched controlled study

Arthroscopy Aug 19, 2020

Meghpara MB, Yelton MJ, Annin S, et al. - This study was sought to present mid-term outcomes of patients who had undergone endoscopic gluteus medius (GM) repair with arthroscopic labral treatment and to compare them with a control cohort of patients who underwent arthroscopic labral treatment without an endoscopic GM repair. Researchers prospectively collected data and retrospectively examined for all patients who had undergone primary hip arthroscopy between February 2008 and August 2013. Individuals were enrolled whether they had undergone arthroscopic labral treatment, endoscopic GM repair, and had preoperative with minimum 5-year follow-up for the following patient-reported outcomes: modified Harris Hip Score, Nonarthritic Hip Score, and Hip Outcome Score-Sports Specific Subscale. A control cohort of patients who had undergone primary arthroscopic labral treatment without GM repair was developed by using propensity score matching. For the current study, 46 individuals with GM repair eligible, of whom 43 had a 5-year follow-up. At a minimum 5-year follow-up, endoscopic GM repair with arthroscopic labral treatment results in safe, durable, and significant improvement in PROs. According to the results, the outcomes correlated favorably with a control cohort without GM tears.

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