Mid-term outcome of arthroscopic AMIC for the treatment of articular cartilage defects in the knee joint is equivalent to mini-open procedures
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery May 23, 2018
Schagemann J, et al. - Researchers compared 2 various autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) surgical interventions to repair grade III–IV cartilage defects in the knee in a first retrospective study. They followed that patients who underwent minimally invasive (arthroscopy) or open (mini-arthrotomy) AMIC up to 2 years to assess whether minimally invasive AMIC was superior to open procedures. Results demonstrated an equivalence of mini-open AMIC to the arthroscopic procedure. Experts could not confirm the anticipatory hypothesis that suggested that minimally invasive approaches bring greater patient benefit per se. Hence, AMIC was recommended to be performed where indicated and they suggested that the choice of surgical approach was guided by the surgeon’s personal skills profile.
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