Mid-term clinical and radiological results do not differ between fixed- and mobile-bearing total knee arthroplasty using titanium-nitride-coated posterior-stabilized prostheses: A prospective randomized controlled trial
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Aug 12, 2018
Park CH, et al. - Researchers prospectively compared the clinical and radiographic results between mobile-bearing (MB) and fixed-bearing (FB) TKAs using ceramic titanium nitride (TiN)-coated prostheses. Evaluation of 70 MB and 70 FB TKAs using TiN-coated prostheses (ACS) was performed. Findings revealed no significant advantage of TiN-coated MB TKA over FB TKA. Hence, when using the TiN-coated TKA prosthesis, the selection of bearing design seems to be clinically insignificant.
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