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Micro-CT evaluation of the removal of root fillings using the ProTaper Universal Retreatment System supplemented by the XP-Endo Finisher File

International Endodontic Journal Feb 09, 2019

Aksel H, et al. - Authors examined 30 mandibular first molars to evaluate the removal of root fillings using the ProTaper Universal Retreatment system (PTUR) accompanied by a supplementary preparation with the XP-Endo Finisher file. They removed the root fillings using the PTUR system with further apical preparation using ProTaper F2 and F3 files. Then, they performed an additional preparation with an XP-Endo Finisher file. A decrease in the amount of filling materials in each group was observed after retreatment with rotary files. An improvement in removal of filling materials regardless of the sealer type was noticed after additional preparation with the XP-Endo Finisher.
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