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Metabolic syndrome in type 1 diabetes and its association with diabetes complications

Diabetic Medicine Sep 25, 2020

Lee AS, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for analyzing the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (WHO criteria) in type 1 diabetes (T1D), and its age‐related association with diabetes complications. Data reported that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in 2,120 adults with T1D was 30%. Prevalence increased with age: 21% for those < 40 years of age, 35% for those 40-60 years of age, and 44% for those > 60 years of age, which was driven by an increase in hypertension rate. A higher prevalence of microvascular, macrovascular and foot complications, with the greatest effect at a younger age, was associated with metabolic syndrome. The odds ratio for macrovascular complications with metabolic syndrome, compared with without, was 5.9 in people aged < 40 years, 2.7 in those aged 40–60 years, and 1.7 in those aged > 60 years. The use of metformin was higher in those with metabolic syndrome. In this large Australian cohort, metabolic syndrome was prevalent in T1D and identified people at increased risk of the spectrum of diabetes complications, especially in young to middle‐aged adults. Potential clinical implications are that therapies targeting insulin resistance in this high‐risk group can minimize diabetes complications and should be investigated.

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