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Metabolic syndrome and time to pregnancy: A retrospective study of nulliparous women

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 16, 2019

Grieger JA, et al. - Researchers performed a multi-centre (Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland) retrospective cohort study of 5519 low-risk nulliparous pregnant women, to investigate the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS), time to pregnancy (TTP), and infertility. Further, they determined associations between individual and increasing number of MetS components, TTP, and infertility and if these relationships differ by obesity (BMI, <30kg/m2 vs ≥30kg/m2). MetS was reported in 12.4% (n=684). Compared to women without MetS, women with MetS displayed a longer TTP and a higher risk for infertility, which were similar in the obese and non-obese women. The risk for infertility was correlated mainly with reduced HDL-C and raised TG.
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