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Mercury-associated glomerulonephritis: A retrospective study of 35 cases in a single Chinese center

BMC Nephrology Jun 25, 2019

Qin AB, et al. - In a single Chinese center, researchers retrospectively studied 35 cases of mercury-associated glomerulonephritis. They analyzed clinical data on diagnosis and during follow-up. Skin lighting cream (20 patients), mercury-containing pills (9 patients), hair-dyeing agents (4 patients), and unidentified reasons (2 patients) were identified as the sources of mercury exposure. Participants had proteinuria and normal renal function at presentation, with median of urinary protein being 4.6 (range 1.6~19.7) g/24 h. The most common pathological type of mercury-associated glomerulonephritis was minimal change disease (MCD), followed by membranous nephropathy. Increase of urinary mercury level was accompanied by an increase in the proportion of MCD. Mercury detoxification could lead to complete remission in most of the cases studied.
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