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Mental health needs of aging Veterans: Recent evidence and clinical recommendations

Clinical Gerontologist Jan 30, 2020

Karel MJ, Wray LO, Adler G, et al. - Given a history of military service, noted in large numbers of older Americans, may have a positive or negative link with mental health in late life, researchers performed a literature review to gain insights into the mental health needs of older Veterans. They analyzed articles published in 2009–2018. General resilience was obvious in older Veterans. Mental health concerns related to poor outcomes including a substantial number of suicides were reported in a significant minority. The likelihood of utilizing mental health services was less among older Veterans with mental health diagnoses vs younger Veterans, but the former group was as likely to benefit once engaged. Integrated care models in primary and geriatric care settings hold promise. Findings revealed that aging Veterans represent a large subset of Americans having complex mental health needs that deserve attention.
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