Menopause symptoms and chronic pain in a national sample of midlife women veterans
Menopause Jul 15, 2019
Gibson CJ, et al. - In view of the observation that relative to men, women more frequently suffer chronic pain with the highest rates seen in midlife and that symptoms that characterize menopause broadly affect health and well-being, researchers investigated how menopause symptoms contribute to chronic pain risk during this period. This is a cross-sectional analysis of national Veterans Health Administration medical and pharmacy records. In this cross-sectional analysis of national Veterans Health Administration medical and pharmacy records, they used national medical and pharmacy records from women veterans aged 45 to 64 with at least one VA encounter during 2014 and/or 2015 (n = 200,901). Menopause symptoms were evident in 13%, chronic pain was reported in 52%, and ≥2 distinct chronic pain diagnoses were made in 22%. As per multivariable analyses, nearly two-fold odds of chronic pain and multiple chronic pain diagnoses are experienced by women with menopause symptoms.
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