Menopausal symptoms in different substages of perimenopause and their relationships with social support and resilience
Menopause Mar 01, 2019
Zhao D, et al. - Researchers explored the prevalence and severity of menopausal symptoms at different substages of perimenopause, in addition to the relationships of these symptoms with social support and resilience in perimenopausal women. Surveying a convenience sample of 732 perimenopausal women from 3 communities of Jinan City, Shandong Province, China, between March 2015 and March 2017, they identified menopausal symptoms in 76.4%. With respect to different substages of perimenopause, significant differences in the prevalence and severity of menopausal symptoms were observed; the severity of menopausal symptoms was the least during the early menopausal transition substage and the most during the early postmenopausal substage. As per multivariable-adjusted linear regression, a significant association of higher family support and resilience with fewer menopausal symptoms was evident. These findings may assist medical staff to recognize these symptoms and seek appropriate preventive intervention.
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