Menopausal hormone therapy trends before vs after 2002: Impact of the Women's Health Initiative Study Results
Menopause Jun 07, 2019
Crawford SL, et al. - Researchers investigated pre- vs post-Women's Health Initiative (WHI) differences in menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) initiation and continuation and their correlates, and in women's reasons for initiation and discontinuation in order to better appreciate how to instruct patients and providers about study findings relevant to treatment guidelines. From 3,018 participants in the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation, a prospective cohort study, survey data from up to 14 approximately annual visits over 17 years (1996-2013) were analyzed. Observations revealed the wide adoption of immediate post-WHI recommendations for MHT use. They noted a reduction in MHT initiation from 8.6% pre-WHI to 2.8% post-WHI, and the corresponding reduction in MHT continuation from 84.0% to 62.0%. Documentation of MHT risks in older women may have led to younger symptomatic women to abandon MHT for symptom relief.
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