Men's intake of vitamin C and β-carotene is positively related to fertilization rate but not to live birth rate in couples undergoing infertility treatment
The Journal of Nutrition Jul 14, 2019
Li MC, et al. - Among men in couples who underwent infertility treatment with assisted reproductive technology (ART) using their own gametes, researchers investigated if and how the outcomes of ARTs were influenced by men's consumption of antioxidants and biologically related compounds without direct antioxidant capacity in this prospective cohort study. From Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center, 171 couples who underwent 294 autologous ART cycles for infertility treatment were followed. Via an FFQ, evaluation of diet in both partners was done. Findings revealed a positive association of men's intake of vitamin C and β-carotene, with fertilization rate but it did not, in turn, led to higher pregnancy or live birth rates in couples undergoing infertility treatment. An inverse association of men's α-carotene intake with the likelihood of live birth was also shown in this study.
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