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Medullary blood oxygen level-dependent MRI index (R2*) is associated with annual loss of kidney function in moderate CKD

American Journal of Nephrology Feb 02, 2021

Li LP, Thacker JM, Li W, et al. - Given that the likely utility of functional MRI (fMRI) methods to predict loss of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is suggested by recent data, and baseline data with multi-parametric MRI in people suffering from diabetes and moderate CKD was noted in a prior study, so, this work extends the prior observations in order to assess the temporal variability of the fMRI measurements over 36 months as well as their link with annual alteration in eGFR. Over a 36-month span, 3 sets of MRI scans were completed by 24 patients with moderate CKD. A 3 T scanner was used to obtain blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD), arterial spin labeling perfusion, and diffusion MRI images. According to the findings, the ability to monitor progressive CKD was suggested by lower R2* values and the higher temporal variability in the renal medulla over time. These were corroborated by the fact that higher annual loss in eGFR was identified in relation to decreased medullary R2*. The requirement for including medulla in the analysis of renal BOLD MRI studies is highlighted by these data.

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