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Medium-term patient-reported quality of life and activities of daily living in surgically treated trauma patients with pelvic, acetabular or combined pelvic and acetabular fractures in a retrospective single-center study

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Mar 28, 2021

de Krom MAP, Kalmet PHS, Kalmet EM, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective single-center study in order to obtain further information concerning the medium-term patient-reported quality of life (QoL), activities of daily living (ADL), and number of complications in trauma patients with an acetabular fracture (AF), a pelvic fracture (PF), and those with a surgically combined pelvic and AF (PAF). They assessed a total of 51 trauma patients with PF, AF, or PAF who underwent open reduction and internal fixation between 2014 and 2017. Findings revealed significantly lower physical component score (PCS) of the QoL and the ADL in surgically treated trauma patients with PF when compared with patients with AF. Overall complication rate did not differ significantly between the PF, AF, and PAF groups.

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