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Mediterranean style diet and kidney function loss in kidney transplant recipients

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jan 12, 2020

Gomes-Neto AW, Osté MCJ, Sotomayor CG, et al. - Among 632 adult kidney transplant recipients with a functioning graft for ≥ 1 year, researchers undertook this inquiry to determine if there exists a link between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and kidney outcomes, given a beneficial impact of the Mediterranean diet on kidney function preservation has been suggested in studies in the general population. They administered a 177-item validated food frequency questionnaire to determine dietary intake, and a nine-point Mediterranean Diet Score to evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Participants were observed over a median duration of 5.4 (interquartile range, 4.9–6.0) years. Findings revealed better kidney function outcomes in relation to adherence to the Mediterranean diet in kidney transplant recipients.
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