Mediterranean diet and outcomes of assisted reproduction: An Italian cohort study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jul 15, 2019
Ricci E, et al. - Researchers conducted a prospective cohort study in an Italian Fertility Clinic to examine if the Mediterranean diet correlates to outcomes of assisted reproduction techniques in subfertile couples in an Italian population. They interviewed couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) on the day of oocyte retrieval to retrieve information concerning personal and health history, lifestyle habits and diet. Using a Mediterranean Diet Score, assessment of adherence to Mediterranean diet was done. Four hundred fourteen (87.3%) among 474 women (mean age 36.6 years, range 27-45) performed embryo transfer; clinical pregnancies were reported in 150 (31.6%) and live births were reported in 117 (24.7%). The analysis revealed no clear correlation between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and successful IVF.
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