Medication-assisted treatment use among pregnant women with opioid use disorder
Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 27, 2019
Krans EE, et al. - Using Pennsylvania Medicaid administrative data, researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study assessing temporal trends in medication-assisted treatment use among pregnant women with opioid use disorder. They evaluated, in total, 12,587 pregnancies among 10,741 women with opioid use disorder. Medicaid-enrolled pregnant women with opioid use disorder showed a significant increase in buprenorphine use over time, with a small concurrent decline in methadone use. In geographic regions with large metropolitan centers, such as the Southwest and the Southeast showed greater increases in buprenorphine compared with largely rural regions, such as the New West. Low behavioral health counseling use was observed, however, it was highest among women using methadone.
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