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Medical management of patients after atypical femur fractures: A systematic review and recommendations from ECTS

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Dec 26, 2019

van de Laarschot DM, McKenna MJ, Abrahamsen B, et al. - Via performing a systematic review, researchers sought to assess how teriparatide, raloxifene, and denosumab affects healing and the occurrence of atypical femur fractures (AFFs). Of 910 retrieved references and 67 reviewed papers, they included 31 case reports, nine retrospective and three prospective studies on teriparatide. Data on fracture union were collected (n = 98 AFFs on teriparatide). Within six months of teriparatide, radiological healing was identified in 13 of 30 conservatively managed incomplete AFFs (43%), nine of 10 incomplete AFFs with surgical intervention (90%) and 44 of 58 complete AFFs (75%). This work yielded no evidence-based indication in patients with AFF for teriparatide apart from lowering the risk of typical fragility fractures, although observational data suggest achievement of faster healing of surgically treated AFFs in correlation to receipt of teriparatide.
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