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Medial vs. lateral meniscus root tears: differences in presentation, treatment and surgical outcomes

Arthroscopy Jan 29, 2021

Krych AJ, Bernard CD, Kennedy NI, et al. - This study was sought to correlate medial (MMRT) versus lateral meniscus posterior horn root tear (LMRT) injury presentation, treatment, clinical outcomes following root repair, and risk factors for failure. Researchers enrolled a total of 141 root tears in 137 patients. Using Kellgren-Lawrence scores, radiographs were graded. They compared patient demographics, radiographic findings, and clinical outcomes between MMRT and LMRT. The data exhibited that LMRTs occur in younger male patients with lower BMI, less cartilage degeneration, less extrusion on MRI, and more commonly with a ligament injury compared with MMRTs. LMRTs had overall better outcomes after a repair, likely due to differences in injury characteristics, while good to excellent clinical outcomes were attained in select patients for both medial and lateral meniscus root repair.

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