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Medial patellofemoral ligament isometry in the setting of patella alta

Arthroscopy Feb 13, 2020

Belkin NS, et al. - This study was designed to examine changes in technique for medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction in the setting of patella alta and illustrate the impact of these changes on MPFL anatomometry. For this study, researchers used ten cadaveric knees. The Schoettle's point was more isometric through 20-70° range of motion, or anatomometric in the native tibial tubercle condition, than any other candidate femoral attachment location. The MPFL anatomometry was altered by increased patella alta. With growing degrees of patella alta, more proximal candidate femoral attachment sites show reduced change in length in comparison with Schottle’s point. The data indicated that none of the varied femoral attachments achieved anatomometry over the entirety of the flexion range from 20-70 degrees, implying that in cases of significant patella alta, proximalization the femoral attachment site of MPFL reconstruction may be required to achieve an anatomometric MPFL reconstruction.
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