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Measuring discharge outcomes, length of stay, and functional ADL score during COVID-19 in inpatient rehabilitation hospitals

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Jul 26, 2021

Hartsgrove C, Guevarra-Fernandez J, Kendall J, et al. - A retrospective cohort study was conducted to assess discharge disposition, length of stay (LOS), and functional ADL score for patients admitted to acute inpatient rehabilitation hospitals (IRH) during the COVID-19 pandemic and to compare these parameters to a period prior to the pandemic. Researchers performed a retrospective cohort study via systematic retrospective chart review of consecutive patients admitted to IRH from 1/1-2/19/2020 (pre-COVID-19T) and 4/1-5/9/2020 (COVID-19T). The study enrolled Pre-COVID-19T, n=739; COVID-19T, n=335, of which COVID+ n =139 and COVID- n=196. No differences were observed in discharge outcomes for any group. IRH LOS was significantly increased during the pandemic, but there were no statistically significant differences between the COVID+ and COVID- cohorts within COVID-19T. They found lower functional ADL scores during COVID-19T but COVID status was not a significant predictor. This implies that COVID+ status was not a barrier to discharge or functional outcomes and supports the importance of IRHs to restore function and discharge patients to home, even with a more medically complex COVID-19 pandemic population.

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