Measurement of the coracohumeral distance on MRI in a large patient cohort
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jun 27, 2020
Hodax JD, Shah KN, Campbell SE, et al. - In this study, a normative distribution of the coracohumeral distance was evaluated in a large cohort of healthy, asymptomatic individuals with no history of impingement or shoulder instability. Researchers conducted a prospective cohort to evaluate the normal anatomic correlations of the shoulder girdle. They obtained magnetic resonance images, and a board-certified, fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologist conducted assessments of the smallest distance from the coracoid to the humeral head on axial images. This study included MR images of 714 individuals for analysis, including 630 males and 84 females, with a total of 1,120 individual shoulders with images of adequate quality. This is the largest study to assess the CHD in asymptomatic, healthy shoulders to date, and demonstrates a mean CHD of 13.7mm for all individuals. When taken in the context of age and imaging in neutral rotation, this information can help to standardize “normal” ranges and act as a comparison for future work.
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