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Measurement of femoral posterior condylar offset and posterior tibial slope in normal knees based on 3D reconstruction

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 01, 2021

Bao L, Rong S, Shi Z, et al. - This study was undertaken to explore posterior condylar offset (PCO) and posterior tibial slope (PTS) in normal knees and to distinguish the association between them. Researchers recruited a total of 80 healthy volunteers. They conducted CT scans followed by three-dimensional reconstruction. They assessed and examined PCO and PTS, as well as the association between them. The study found significant differences between medial and lateral compartments, genders, and individuals. As per the findings, an inverse association exists between PCO and PTS in the medial compartment. These outcomes enhance the understanding of the morphology and biomechanics of normal knees, and subsequently for optimizing prosthetic design and surgical techniques.

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