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Maximum blood glucose levels during hospitalisation to predict mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome: A retrospective cohort study

BMJ Open Dec 16, 2020

Qian J, Kuang L, Che L, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective cohort study to stratify maximum blood glucose levels to identify the best cut-off value of glucose levels to predict mortality in patients with the acute coronary syndrome (ACS), irrespective of whether they had diabetes. In total, 3,078 patients with ACS were involved in the research. Study participants were divided into four levels based on their maximum blood glucose levels (glucosemax), then analysed the link between each group with mortality. Of the registered patients, 2,780 and 298 were survivors and non-survivors, respectively. Overall, glucosemax ≥ 11.5 mmol/L was significantly associated with increased mortality in ACS patients. Non-diabetes ACS patients require a more robust blood glucose management strategy relative to diabetes counterparts.

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