Matrix metalloproteinases gene polymorphism haplotype is a risk factor to implant loss: A case-control study
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Oct 23, 2018
de Araujo Munhoz FB, et al. - Researchers gauged the haplotypic combination of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) polymorphism (rs1144393, rs1799750, rs3025058, and rs11225395) and implant loss. They matched 200 nonsmokers subjects by gender, age, implant number and position and divided in control group, 100 patients with one or more healthy implants, and test group, and 100 patients with one or more implant failures. As per data, a risk factor to early implant loss was MMPs haplotype. They noted a statistically significant risk effect of haplotype T-A-GG-5A-C, while there was a protective effect of haplotype C-A-G-6A-C and T-G-2G-5A-C in implant loss.
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