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Matrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in periodontal disease patients: A systematic review

Journal of Periodontal Research Evidence based | Sep 15, 2017

de Morais EF, et al. - This systematic review purposefully determined the scientific literature regarding the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) in gingival crevicular fluid and salivary fluid (SF) in patients with periodontal disease, investigating its validity as a possible biomarker for the diagnosis of periodontal disease. The present study showed significantly higher concentrations of MMP-8 in patients with periodontal disease compared with controls, as well as in patients presenting more advanced stages of periodontal disease. In addition, the findings on higher MMP-8 concentrations in patients with periodontal disease compared with controls suggested the potential adjunctive use of MMP-8 in the diagnosis of periodontal disease.
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