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Maternal near-miss and death associated with abortive pregnancy outcome: A secondary analysis of the Nigeria Near-miss and Maternal Death Survey

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology May 09, 2019

Adanikin AI, et al. - Researchers performed a secondary analysis of a nationwide cross-sectional study of women admitted for pregnancy-related complications at 42 Nigerian public tertiary hospitals, for assessing the prevalence of life-threatening complications related to pregnancies with abortive outcome and the associated health service events and performance. They identified 5779 women who were admitted with abortive pregnancy complications; of these, 444 (7.9%) experienced severe maternal outcome: 366 maternal near-misses and 78 maternal deaths. Observations suggest a major contribution of abortive outcome to severe maternal outcomes in Nigeria. Although early hospital presentation by women is identified as critical to surviving abortive pregnancy complications, they recommend improved, appropriate, and timely management to enhance maternal survival.
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