Maternal apical periodontitis is associated with insulin resistance in adult offspring
International Endodontic Journal Feb 18, 2019
Tsosura TVS, et al. - The plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) of rats with maternal apical periodontitis (AP) were determined. Further, an exploration was done to assess the effect of maternal inflammation on the initial steps of insulin signaling and the inflammatory pathway in the gastrocnemius muscle (GM) and periepididymal white adipose tissue (pWAT) of adult offspring. Researchers distributed fifteen female Wistar rats into a control group (CN), a group with 1 AP (1AP) and group with 4 AP (4AP) and 30 days following induction of AP, mated these with healthy male rats. They measured plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and TNF-α in the male offspring on reaching 75 days of age. Outcomes suggest that via alterations in insulin signaling and inflammation pathways, maternal AP was associated with insulin resistance in adult offspring. Hence, this study supports the influential role of maternal AP on the development of metabolic alterations such as insulin resistance in adult offspring and emphasizes the significance of limiting maternal AP in order to preserve the general health of offspring.
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