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Maternal and neonatal outcomes after caesarean delivery in the African Surgical Outcomes Study: A 7-day prospective observational cohort study

The Lancet Global Health Mar 20, 2019

Bishop D, et al. - Researchers undertook a 7-day, international, prospective, observational cohort study in patients having cesarean delivery in 183 hospitals across 22 countries in Africa to investigate the risk factors associated with poor maternal and neonatal outcomes. They recruited 3792 patients from hospitals across Africa between February, 2016, and May, 2016. The postoperative complications analysis included 3685 (107 missing data) and the maternal mortality analysis included 3684 (108 missing data). Outcomes revealed 50 times higher maternal mortality after caesarean delivery in Africa than that noted in high-income countries; this is driven by peripartum haemorrhage and anaesthesia complications. Compared to the global average, double neonatal mortality was noted. In Africa, maternal and neonatal outcomes may improve via early identification and appropriate management of mothers at risk of peripartum haemorrhage.
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