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Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and its association with offspring renal function at 30 years: Observation from a birth cohort study

Nephrology Dec 21, 2018

Das SK, et al. - Using a study sample including 1,626 offspring of the Australia cohort study (MUSP) whose serum creatinine was evaluated at 30 years of age, researchers examined the link between maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and development of CKD in the offspring at 30 years of age. At 30 years, mild (stage 2) CKD was detected in 111 (7%) offsprings. The overall adjusted odds of CKD were 2.10, 1.59, and 1.23 for offspring of moderate to heavy drinking mothers in late pregnancy, for early pregnancy, and for pre-pregnancy, respectively. Overall, maternal alcohol exposure during early and late pregnancy was found to be related to the development of mild CKD in their offspring at 30 years. For female vs male offspring, a stronger association was observed.
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