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Matched population comparison of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction between 3 modalities for the correction of low to moderate myopic astigmatism

Clinical Ophthalmology Aug 24, 2017

Ganesh S, et al. – A comparison was carried out of the toric implantable collamer lens (T–ICL), femto–LASIK, and ReLEx SMILE for the treatment of low to moderate myopic astigmatism, with regard to long–term visual and refractive outcomes and predictability of astigmatic correction. All 3 modalities were found to be effective for myopic astigmatism at the end of 1 year. Quality of vision and patient satisfaction with T–ICL and ReLEx SMILE were similar and better when compared to FS–LASIK. Minor chances of postoperative rotation and exchange were present with T–ICL, which necessitated comprehensive preoperative planning.
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