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Massive submacular haemorrhage in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy vs typical neovascular age‐related macular degeneration

Acta Ophthalmologica Dec 10, 2020

Cho SC, Cho JH, Park KH, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for examining the incidence rate of massive submacular haemorrhage (SMH) and risk factors in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) and typical neovascular age‐related macular degeneration (tnAMD). In total, 465 patients who were diagnosed with either PCV (n = 245) or tnAMD (n = 220) from 2003 to 2014 were recruited. Massive SMH incidence rates were 11.1% and 29.9% in PCV and 4.3% and 9.9% in tnAMD, respectively, 5 and 10 years after the first visit. The rate of occurrence of massive SMH was approximately three times higher in eyes with PCV than in eyes with tnAMD. Methods of treatment that can decrease the occurrence of massive SMH should be considered particularly for eyes with PCV.

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