Markers of maternal cardiac dysfunction in pre-eclampsia and superimposed pre-eclampsia
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 26, 2019
Conti-Ramsden F, et al. - Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme B (GPBB) and/or brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations were examined in pre-eclampsia and superimposed pre-eclampsia (SPE), demonstrating cardiac ischaemia and strain via performing a nested case-control study using samples and clinical data available from a prospective pregnancy cohort. Researchers selected the following four groups: healthy pregnant controls (n = 21), pre-eclampsia (n = 19), pre-existing chronic hypertension (CHT) and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD) without (n = 20) or with superimposed pre-eclampsia (SPE) (n = 19). Findings revealed that GPBB plasma concentrations were not significantly different between controls and pre-eclampsia, or between CHT and/or CKD and SPE indicating a limited role of GPBB as a biomarker in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. They noted elevated BNP concentrations in pre-eclampsia compared to controls suggesting cardiac strain at the time of pre-eclampsia.
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