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Markers of collagen formation and degradation reflect renal function and predict adverse outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes

Diabetes Care Jul 08, 2019

Pilemann-Lyberg S, et al. - Since patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) have a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular events (CVEs), and mortality than the general population, researchers tested the assumption that two previously published biomarkers, namely PRO-C6, a biomarker of collagen type VI formation, and C3M, a biomarker of collagen type III degradation, may be correlated with impaired renal function and have prognostic value for adverse renal, CVE, and mortality in patients with T1D. In 663 patients with T1D ranging from normoalbuminuric to macroalbuminuric, PRO-C6 and C3M in serum (sPRO-C6, sC3M) and urine (uPRO-C6, uC3M) were measured by ELISA. According to results, higher sPRO-C6 was an independent predictor of both decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and development of end-stage renal disease and of all-cause mortality in T1D patients. In addition, higher uPRO-C6 was linked to a lower risk of decline in eGFR.
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