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Managing diabetes mellitus with comorbidities in primary healthcare facilities in urban settings: A qualitative study among physicians in Odisha, India

BMC Family Practice May 28, 2021

Pati S, Pati S, van den Akker M, et al. - The present study was performed to investigate the perceived barriers and facilitators in the management of the patients having diabetes with comorbidities by primary care physicians. Researchers performed a qualitative In-Depth Interview study among the primary care physicians at seventeen urban primary health care centres at Bhubaneswar city of Odisha, India. Thematic analysis was used to examine data. This study’s findings demonstrate that comprehensive guidelines with on-the-job training for capacity building of the physicians and the creation of multidisciplinary teams at the primary care level for a more holistic approach towards management of diabetes with comorbidities could be the way forward to the optimal delivery of care.

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