Management of vertebral osteomyelitis over an eight-year period: The UDIPROVE (UDIne PROtocol on VErtebral osteomyelitis)
International Journal of Infectious Diseases Dec 05, 2019
Russo A, Graziano E, Carnelutt A, et al. - All individuals with a suspected diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) were investigated over an 8-year period (January 2009 to January 2017) in order to ascertain diagnosis and management of VO over an eight-year period. During the study period, 133 episodes of validated VO were seen. Accurate application of the UDIne PROtocol on VErtebral osteomyelitis protocol permitted the causative pathogens of VO to be discovered– at about twice the rate reported in the literature. Thus, when compared with MRI, the use of FDG-PET/CT for the follow-up of infection was more substantial.
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