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Management of large segmental bone defects at the knee with intramedullary stabilized antibiotic spacers during two-stage treatment of endoprosthetic joint infection

Journal of Arthroplasty Jan 21, 2021

Ippolito JA, Thomson JE, Riverso S, et al. - This study was sought to present management of large segmental bone defects at the knee with intramedullary stabilized antibiotic spacers during two-stage treatment of endoprosthetic joint infection. Between 1998 and 2018, researchers retrospectively examined all patients treated for revision total joint or endoprosthetic infection at the knee. Individuals with skeletal defects > 6 cm following explant of prosthesis and debridement (Stage 1) were managed with intramedullary nail-stabilized antibiotic spacers at the institution. Researchers included 21 patients at a mean age of 54 ± 21 years for PJI at the knee. Using intramedullary stabilized antibiotic spacers, management of large segmental skeletal defects at the knee following explant maintain stability and result in high rates of limb salvage with conversion to an endoprosthesis.

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