Management of isolated coronal shear fractures of the humeral capitellum with Herbert screw fixation through anterolateral approach
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Apr 09, 2018
Yu T, et al. - Experts sought to retrospectively analyze the clinical outcomes of 15 patients with isolated coronal shear fractures of the capitellum treated by Herbert screw fixation through an anterolateral approach. They also addressed the safety and tips for this surgical procedure. Findings suggested that for coronal shear fractures of capitellum, open reduction and internal fixation using Herbert screws through an anterolateral approach was a reliable and effective treatment. This technique was able to achieve stable fixation and restoration of a functional range of motion. Authors did not note any wound healing problems or infection and no evidence of avascular necrosis, posttraumatic osteoarthritis, or heterotrophic ossification.
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