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Major concern in the multiligament-injured knee treatment: A systematic review

Injury Feb 22, 2019

Vicenti G, et al. - Researchers studied the treatment of multiligament knee injuries, focusing on surgical vs nonoperative treatment, repair vs reconstruction of injured ligamentous structures, and early vs late surgery of damaged ligaments. PubMed was searched by 2 independent reviewers from 1966 to March 2016. For this, Levy’s review was used as a starting-point. They used terms such as “knee dislocation,” “multiple ligament–injured knee,” and “multiligament knee reconstruction”, and finally included studies with levels I to IV evidence, with definition of “multiligament” comprising disruption of at least 2 of the 4 major knee ligaments, measures of functional and clinical outcomes, and studies with minimum of 12 months’ follow-up, with a mean of at least 24 months. Findings revealed the non-existence of the best treatment but reconstruction vs repair resulted in better functional and clinical outcomes. Within the first three weeks, surgery was considered mandatory. Arthrofibrosis rate could be attenuated by delaying ACL reconstruction.
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